BIBI Beach
It is the closest beautiful beach to Southern Beach Hotel Bibi Beach, in front of Southern Beach Hotel resort and close to downtown Naha with great access to the airport, is well located. Here, you can enjoy water sports including canoing and water skiing. You can also hold barbecues at the beach. In addition, head all the way from the beach along the bridge to the breakwater to enjoy the beauty of the open sea up close.
Blue sky, green space, and white sand - Wedding photography against the background of sea and solid blocks of colors.
The sunlit sea is vast, clear, and sparkling. It is the color blue. The gentle tapping of waves, the beach that sees splashes of sea water, and the breakwater that extends towards the sea are the color white. Travelers come ashore and run to their heart's content and the faint smell of the green, green grass emanates from the square. The sun sets gradually to the other side of the horizon, bringing together all those beautiful features into a wonderous sight tinted with orange light. The background in solid color created at the waterfront is akin to that of beautiful love, free of impurities.